We’ve been running on XPages since 2010 and every year we consider switching development platforms and last Friday our decision conversation went something like this…
Russ: IBM Domino future is still very murky, is it time to think about using something else?
Paul: FP 10 is about to drop. Every day as I support customers I think about switching to another platform but I can’t think of any other platform or architecture that would allow us to do the kinds of things we have to do that Domino lets us do.
Russ: Right. I think the same thing every day. It takes a fair amount of upkeep and gymnastics to keep everything going but my sense tells me that any other platform would require the same effort.
Paul: Yup. Warts and all it seems like Domino is still the best thing out there for us.
Russ: Yup. There it is. Executive Decision. Stay on Domino for now.