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Yes! I am at Connect 2014 in Orlando!

Well, I did not think I could come to Orlando this year but several things aligned over the last eight weeks and so I am here!Last year at Connect 2013 I spent a significant amount of time in the hotel room working and that was a bit of a bummer.One reason I was...

I dub thee “Tree Killer”

I am not proud of it but we go through A LOT of paper and printing.  It makes sense if you consider each work item we create typically generates 35-55 pages when printed, which legal people almost always do, and for each of those we might print each one 2-3 times...

Breaking Bad: A Few Comments

Never have been one to watch a lot of TV but I got pretty sick a few weeks back and then we had the crazy Polar Vortex so while I was resting and staying in the house I rejoined Netflix to take in Breaking Bad to see what all of the chatter was about.The Mrs. and I...