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Out with The Old, in with The New Moleskine

We have a CRM system, we have IBM Notes which allows us to create any kind of customer-focused system we might need (we’ve built several), we have an email marketing system…we’ve evaluated all kinds of systems to manage customer information and...

2013: BAM!

There really is a lot to say about 2013 so let’s get to it…The BusinessProduct validated.  Pricing validated.  Infrastructure validated.  Growing pains required bringing on additional help and improving our internal processes.  Customer...

SourceTree Sorrows

In early November I jumped on the SourceTree bandwagon and immediately Designer started getting an error when committing through the normal Mercurial binaries that an “eol” plugin was missing and no amount of committing, uninstalling, reinstalling...

“Configurable Buttons” Solution

In our business the ability to customize our customers’ online functionality is key to driving sales and just as key to delivering successful results.  Consequently anything we make configurable on a granular level is a win for us and for customers.Case in...