Welcome to Part 9: Our Mercurial Source Control Strategy!
The final installment of Source Control: The Good Stuff.
Well it all comes down to this: How are you going to use Source Control?
If you’ve gone through the earlier videos on Mercurial Source Control within Domino Designer, you’ve seen how to perform all of the essential steps to get going and seen all of the essential tasks you would need to effectively use source control for your XPage applications.
Now it’s time to take a look at your environment, team and needs and decide how you can put source control to use. Maybe it’s not really for you. It wasn’t for me for a long time but now I rely on source control in Domino Designer like I rely on Domino Security. It lets me sleep better at night.
In this last video I share how we are using source control and then demo the mechanics.
Our strategy is not everyone’s strategy to be sure, but our source control process works well for us. It took a couple of months to really learn what we needed from source control and then learn how the tool could help us get there.
Hopefully the content is this video series will help other Domino Developers put source control to good use much faster.