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XPages JumpStart Presentation

Here are my XPages JumpStart presentation and files from AdminDev2012 May 15-17, 2012, in Washington, D.C.A Practical Roadmap to Develop World-Class XPages ApplicationsBy creating a single application — start to finish — we will discuss:The concepts undergirding...

Extending Your XPages Applications with Java

Here are my XPages Java presentation and files from AdminDev2012 May 15-17, 2012, in Washington, D.C.Extending Your XPages Applications with Java Learn how to use Core Java, external JAR files, and custom Java classes with XPages Learn how to use the new Java design...

Leveraging JavaScript Toolkits Presentation

Here are my XPages JavaScript Toolkits presentation and files from AdminDev2012 May 15-17, 2012, in Washington, D.C.Leveraging JavaScript Toolkits to Reduce Your XPages Development TimeUnderstand your JavaScript options Understand the differences between Dojo and...