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Fix IE8 onchange event

Yeah…IE8…Just doesn’t want to recognize onchange on a radio or checkbox until the field loses focus.Bad.  Very bad.Found some code here and adapted it to into my XPage using a class selector for jQuery and it works like a champ.Though this might...

Go straight to the top!

Our XPages application provides a dynamically generated list of fields that are swapped out as the user navigates and/or saves their data.We discovered that doing a partial refresh did not automatically move the user to the top of the next “page” so with a...

Remember: JavaScript does math, too

Just a quick JavaScript reminder.If you add two numbers in a row and then add some text you get something entirely different than if you combine number, text, number, text.Example:Variable values:sectionIndex=2qIndex=3Option 1sectionIndex + qIndex +...

Leveraging JavaScript Toolkits Presentation

Here are my XPages JavaScript Toolkits presentation and files from AdminDev2012 May 15-17, 2012, in Washington, D.C.Leveraging JavaScript Toolkits to Reduce Your XPages Development TimeUnderstand your JavaScript options Understand the differences between Dojo and...